
Portrait Refreshers | Update Your Family Photo

Shoreview family photographer families fall

It’s barely September anymore, yet it’s felt like summer the way the warmth has hung in the air. But the trees know best; they’re just popping right now.

My mind can’t quite compute that there are less than three months until Christmas (gasp! I’m sorry!), and yet it’s right there for us all to see on the calendar.

We’re in the school swing of things now, and looking toward Halloween costumes is probably next on the list. And yet. Holidays. Right immediately exactly after Halloween.


Portrait Refreshers. It’s my answer to the ever-increasing craziness of the fallleadingintoholidaysearlierandearlier.

It’s simple, so simple I want one of my own, because that’s what we need, an updated image of us this year, not last.

If you think about it, there aren’t that many fall weekends, fewer warm or warm-ish ones, and far fewer ones with anything on the trees.

I urge you to think about it sooner than later, because, yes, I’ll do my best to fit you in on November 30th when you realize you still need a photo for your holiday cards, but it’s much prettier out now, and also right now the weather doesn’t require me to wear gloves and shiver.

Book your Portrait Refresher soon, friends. They’re only here ’til December 1st.

You can reach me here. Or just infoATjjkillinsphotographyDOTcom.

J.J. Killins photography

Serving Shoreview, Minnesota & the Twin Cities