
A Playground For Everyone | Shoreview photographer

shoreview photographerI was recently asked to photograph the ribbon-cutting ceremony of a new playground at one of our local schools, only it’s not just any school. It is an all-inclusive playground! Turtle Lake (27)webThis brand new playspace is a haven for kids of all ages and abilities, so that at recess, on the weekends, kids can interact side by side, in a fun and safe environment.Turtle Lake (58)webA contest in the spring determined the class that would actually get to cut the ribbon!Turtle Lake (62)webTurtle Lake (93)webYou know it’s a big achievement when the mayor is in attendance!Turtle Lake (109)webTurtle Lake 111webThis playground happened because of kindness, because of community, and because of determination. This playground is truly a job well done.Turtle Lake 161web

J.J. Killins photography

Serving Shoreview, Minnesota & the Twin Cities